Seasonal Pests

Seasonal Pest Control in Bergen County NJ and Rockland County NY

When it comes to commercial or residential pest control in Bergen County NJ or Rockland County NY, you need an exterminator you can trust for effective results. We have a great deal of experience with pests in the local area, meaning we are knowledgeable when it comes to their life cycles as well as what pests to expect throughout different times of the year. This means you can trust us to offer the best protection for your home or business year-round.

For more details on seasonal pests, click on the pest in question

Millipedes – Spring and Fall. Household or garden pests that can wreak havoc in your greenhouses.

Deer Ticks – Spring and Fall. Deer ticks are carriers of Lyme disease via biting human or animal hosts. 

Cluster Flies – August. Cluster flies sometimes come inside to escape the cold weather. They look for areas such as attics or other dark indoor spaces. You may see them looking for a way out once they get in on warmer days.

Clover Mites – Fall and Winter. A nuisance when they invade structures or gardens. Clover mites feast on clovers, grass, and many other plants. 

Lady Bugs – Fall and early Winter. Lady Bugs are highly beneficial insects, but some have a habit of overwintering in structures, leading them to become nuisance pests.

Mosquitos – As Needed. Mosquitos are one of the most annoying pests because of the itchy bites they are capable of giving you and your pets. They are dangerous and even fatal as well because they can carry diseases.

 Useful information about seASONAL PESTS

Some pests are “seasonal” because either their activity or treatment is seasonally based.

If you love gardening or have a greenhouse, you will want to be aware of millipedes, and the danger caused to your beloved plants, especially young sprouts. Millipedes are arthropods and famous for having lots of tiny legs. They love rotting leaves and any dead plant debris. 

Animal lovers beware of deer ticks. If one latches on to you or your dog while hiking, you are at risk for lime disease. We have special repellants for deer ticks, and we also have advice on prevention. 

Cluster flies are more disguising than anything. They are not dangerous, but they are very annoying and unsightly. Cluster flies look for cozy places to hibernate. These places, if in your home, are not touched by general fumigation. We have to create a barrier of pesticide on the outside of your domain or business. Occasionally attics and crawl spaces as well. Sometimes they tend to creep out in droves and look for exit spots. 

Clover mites are very tiny, only 0.033 inches long, at the largest! If you have a beautiful, lush lawn, you may have these annoying pests. Houses that have excessive greenery near the house’s exterior can have infestations of clover mites inside. 

Lady Bugs are beneficial unless they decide to camp out in your home’s structures over the winter. If they do, they can appear in droves, sometimes causing allergies or making a mess. For prevention, we can spray your exterior walls.

Mosquitos, as carriers of Malaria, Chikungunya, Zika, Yellow fever, and Dengue, you don’t want them around. If you see any, you should give us a call to talk about getting rid of them and things you can do to prevent mosquitos from living in your home and garden.

Local Pest Exterminator serving Bergen county nj and rockland county ny

If you’re in need of residential or commercial pest control in Bergen County NJ, the Bug Runner is standing by to provide the expert service you’re looking for. Make an appointment today!

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